Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Guess What?? Your about to read a blog about what annoys me!!

 I am sick and tired of people putting pictures of themselves making out with their boyfriends/girlfriends. It is just plain gross. I'm all like hey this person has new pics, i flick through them and the next thing i see is a friend of mine sucking face with some guy/girl!! Seriously we ALL know you like each other we don't need to see the evidence on f***ing facebook!!! I'm serious the next person i see with those pictures on facebook, i will cut all ties to them and never talk to them again!! CLASS THIS AS YOUR FINAL WARNING!!!
I know its a short one but i just had to voice my annoyance!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Suckfullness Of My Life !!

And so I am sitting here, sick as f*** with a runny nose, sore throat, ear problems, a headache and a possible fever!! Muchly Suckful. At least I know that I don't have Swine....

I Feel Horrible

I want to go to school tomorrow but obviously can't due to being ill, i have no appetite and the only thing that has me actually wanting to live is the fact i have lost weight. My reading of Twilight fanfiction has become beyond ridiculous and i got so bored i started looking at wedding dresses through google. To make matters worse i have a stupid yellow smiley face badge on my lamp that keeps mocking me. My rooms a mess, my face is pale and i am rapidly becoming more insane. I made a playlist on my I-Pod of the most depressing love songs i own and have had them on repeat all day. I also started reading twilight again which is marks the start of the 7th time i have read that series. I feel like eating an apple at the moment but am way too lazy to get up and get one, also the fact that it is mignight.

I have 5 days till my birthday and to tell you the truth I don't want to live those five days as a miserable sick person. Well i might as well get back to reading my twilight fanfictions that help me pass the nighttime hours. Oh yeah did i mention i am also suffering from insomnia? Well leaving now, lets hope i feel better in a few hours.
Ivory (That Sick, Emo, Depresso Child)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Convosation With My Good Friend Alex

Alex- Woof!
Ivory- omg its a llama impersonating a dog
Alex- no its a rare (and ridiculously good looking) Dog-Llama
Ivory- hahah
Ivory-  idk about the rare part cause i look in the mirror and see a ridiculously good looking one everyday
Alex- i'm not at your house everyday
Ivory- nooo but i am XD
Alex- oh i get it
Ivory- whatttt??
Alex- no i lie i don't really get it cos ur not ridiculously good lookin, u have to be called GOD to be ridiculously good lookin
Alex- meh
Alex- peanuts r yummy
Ivory- lol
Ivory- i only like peanut butter
Ivory- im bored .. be entertaining
Alex- hahahahahahahaha me entertaining?
Ivory- do it..
Alex- yeah,ahum Carrot is the one who dances for food ahum
Ivory- aaaandd
Alex- keep going

Pointless?? Yeah I Thought So Too...

Just A Bit Sick, And I'm Not Faking It This Time

Okay, well due to popular demand I have decided to write in my weakened state (I KNOW I'M A SELL OUT). Anywayys, my week was epically eventful with my activities ranging from talking about leporosy to saying grace in front of a large amount of high ranking AAFC and RAAF staff to sitting next to a FLTLT to asking the question; Why do we have toes? and  Why do tumbleweeds like to collect them and make them into flutes?

I have successfully ignored everyone's plea for a new post until i was tempted with treats by david if i posted. GAH DAMN TEH TREATS!!! As usual i have discovered some interesting facts and since there are so many I will do the usual thing and only state five. They are as follows:
1. Shakespeare was an old, sexist, masochistic pig!
2. When Eden starts singing sunshine and lollipops run away cause i assure you, your brain will instantly melt!
3. I do not know what the word infirmaty means.
4. Burying yourself is a very bad idea
5. Wise is and always will be my BB4LYF

Lets just say that I have finally found the proof that a very large part of anthony undoubtedly likes men!!
Evidence #1

And Evidence #2

Well now that I have finished insulting Anthony and putting questionable pictures on my blog, I shall move on and continue to talk about something that wasn't entirely expected!!

Well, for once I actually finished my chemistry work BEFORE David and Mark. AANNNNDD they had a 10 minute head start. I know applause applause!! DAVID FOR THE LAST TIME LEAVE THE METAL TONGS ALONE!!
For Once I Really Dont Know what To Write
Sooo I am Leaving I need Inspiration Something Might POP Up Tomorrow!!
<3 <3 IVORY

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Work, Walks and Metal Tongs

Yesterday, I had one of those life changing experiences. You know, those ones that effect the way you look at the world and the way you interpret life. Thats right my friends, I walked down the concourse to a double of sport with none other than Mark Thompson. No, he might not be world famous, or even famous in Australia. But in St Marys he is a GOD! He is most well known for his catch phrase 'Did you say... FREE?' Well, our walk was truely enlightening and has given life some meaning that I am yet to discover or make up on the spot. The walk was so inspiring and uplifting that i cannot even put it to words! Let's just say I think I have found the meaning of life. As well as discovered that jumping of the the bottom step IS NOT WORTH IT !!!

Work Sucks!!! But I am forced to do it, cause i have to save $3500 by some time for my year 12 ski trip. Hopefully I can get my dad to pay for some *fingers crossed*. I am thinking I might get a second job just for the holidays which equals more money for my shopaholic urges.

Now for the metal tongs.. ON GUARD!!! teehee... One very exciteful Chemistry lesson     :)
'David just give me the metal tongs' - Ivory
'Hey look, that junior Chemistry class is probally looking in and seeing what a senior Chemistry class does, and sees them having sword fights with metal tongs' - David (quote is not exact but grasps the jist of what was said)
'Just this one lesson is more entertaing than my entire Biology class' - Mrs Melcham
*Mark reaches into a bin* 'Ewww, this can is still full' - Mark
*Can implodes* 'POP!' - Red Bull Can
Well that was my fun filled Chemistry Lesson   :D

- 17 more days till my birthday
- 18 more days till i can get my learners !!
- I got a Pelvic Bone Joint to join my collection of Knee Bone Joint, Lower Spine and Tailbone, Artery and heart 3D Models !!
- I like Green
- Tumbleweeds enjoy collecting human toes.. So I would be careful if I was you !!

*New Section To My Blogs*
- Pas De Cheval - Panic At The Disco
- I'm Like A Lawyer The Way I'm Trying To Get You Off - Fall Out Boy
- Skylines And Turnstiles - My Chemical Romance
- Breathe - Taylor Swift (I KNOW SHAME)
- Shoulder Of Your God - Lamb Of God (NOT A CHRISTIAN BAND!! TRUST ME)
- Shameless - All Time Low
- Classifieds -The Academy Is...
-Everything That Makes Me Sick - The Almost

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My 10 Favorite Songs At The Moment !!!

1. The Scene Is Dead, Long Live The Scene  - Cobra Starship (Hot Mess)
2. Remembering Sunday - All Time Low (So Wrong, It's Right)
3. Dinosaurs Go Rawr - Amy Can Flyy (Dinosaurs Go Rawr)
4. Loser - Cute Is What We Aim For (Rotation)
5. Nothing - Every Avenue (AH!)
6. Sure As Hell - This Providence (Who Are You Now?)
7. Mama - My Chemical Romance (The Black Parade)
8. New Perspective - Panic! At The Disco (New Perspective)
9. Stay Awake - All Time Low (So Wrong, It's Right)
10. The End And The Beginning - Forgive Durden (Razia's Shadow: A Musical)

First & Second Days of School and Practise Driving Tests !!!!

The first two days of the last term of year 11 has swiftly passed and I can't help but reflect and think about the funny things that have happened within such a short amount of time. I shall tell you all my top five !!

1. David got Facebook
2. I finally satisfied my craving for the tuckshop's Chicken, Avocado, Lettuce and Mayo sandwich, on day one of school, which has been building for two weeks. Then hit by a wave of dissappointment when they are sold out when i come to get lunch the second day, then being to be forced to have an infamous chicken nugget roll (NOMNOM).
3. Learnt a very valuable lesson; Do not try rip up coke cans, when they cut you, it hurts....
4. Got my original RE teacher back !!!
5. Emma went a bit crazy in RE!! NEVER GIVE EMMA RED FANTA !!!!

Annoyingly, I have had numerous text messages from someone (not metioning names) which I have dutifully ignored. Even though they do leave me guilt ridden. But the fact I have not yet been bothered to buy more credit makes the guilt dull a bit. I have also decided to ditch the mainstream selection of energy drinks, for example Red Bull, V, Mother and Monster. To follow a new and awesomly sexy energy drink WICKED !!! The name says it ALL!!!! Lets just say it's given me twice the energy the 'MAINSTREAMERS' have given me.

Now to the second topic or third or fourth or fifth, i don't really know, MY LEARNERS LICENSE !!! Only 20  days til i can sit my written exam, very excited!! I did the online practise exam and got 27/30..... I don't know if that means I passed but YAY!!! I did stuff !!! Also as well as my L's, MY MUMMY said i could apply for my motorbike license too!! teehee I FEEL SPECIAL!!! My attempts at trying to convince my parents to get me a car for my birthday have been an epic fail and I have finally decided to give up!!

I KICK ASS AT THE GAME OF LIFE !!!! And made me realise, I Want A Job That Earns Me $2,000,000 per year !!! But maybe not 5 Children.. I wouldn't like that at all..

Wells, I haven't got anymore to report on.. So I might go and plot a bit more...
BIES ALL       O_O

Friday, October 2, 2009

Cairns Central.. Shopping, Food, Stalkers and Games.

Things To Do:
- Catch A Bus
- Arrive At Destination 1 Hour Late
- Find Out My Friends Have Already Gone In To See A Movie
- Find A New Set Of Friends At The Movies
- See A Movie
- Eat
- Try On Random Hats
- Window Shop
- Play Blockus
- Possibley Buy A Random Fruit
- Stalk Someone
- Runaway From Friends, Then Follow Them Around
- Drink Mother
- Get Sick From Drinking Mother
- Give Remaining Mother To Amy
- Lol At Pictures Of Amy
- Ride On The Escalators
- Contemplate On Buying More Mother
- Catch A Bus Home
- Be Forced To Sit Next To Pedo Man
- Escape From Pedo Man
- Transform Into A Dinosaur
- Listen To An Interesting Goldfish Story Told By Alex
- Become Kinda Bored
- Decide To Blog My Day
- Get Home
- Write Blog
- Publish Blog

Well that was my day, quite uneventful but still quite amusing. From this, young children, we learn that we don't get to do everything we plan to do. For example I did not but a random piece of fruit or transform into a dinosaur. But all is fair in shopping (I DID GET A RANDOM PINK HAIR EXTENSION THING) !!! Now I have nothing to do and don't feel like writing therefore folks its time to take my leave !!!
Okay thats all :)