I have successfully ignored everyone's plea for a new post until i was tempted with treats by david if i posted. GAH DAMN TEH TREATS!!! As usual i have discovered some interesting facts and since there are so many I will do the usual thing and only state five. They are as follows:
1. Shakespeare was an old, sexist, masochistic pig!
2. When Eden starts singing sunshine and lollipops run away cause i assure you, your brain will instantly melt!
3. I do not know what the word infirmaty means.
4. Burying yourself is a very bad idea
5. Wise is and always will be my BB4LYF
Lets just say that I have finally found the proof that a very large part of anthony undoubtedly likes men!!
Evidence #1
And Evidence #2
Well now that I have finished insulting Anthony and putting questionable pictures on my blog, I shall move on and continue to talk about something that wasn't entirely expected!!
Well, for once I actually finished my chemistry work BEFORE David and Mark. AANNNNDD they had a 10 minute head start. I know applause applause!! DAVID FOR THE LAST TIME LEAVE THE METAL TONGS ALONE!!
For Once I Really Dont Know what To Write
Sooo I am Leaving I need Inspiration Something Might POP Up Tomorrow!!
<3 <3 IVORY
Shakespeare was the Brendon Urie of the 1500s... and he was only 50 when he died little girl... barharhahrhar